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7 Financial Wellness Experts You Should Follow On Twitter

May 14, 2020
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Who says you can’t learn a thing or two from social media? While you can’t believe everything you read (or watch), there are a variety of good resources on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and other channels. Today, we’ll be focusing on Twitter.From individuals to companies, here are our recommendations for social media influencers you should be following on Twitter if you want to keep your finances in check.

1. Peter Dunn (@PeteThePlanner)
Also known as “Pete the Planner,” Mr. Dunn is a columnist, author, investor, and CEO of the Your Money Line, which provides financial education resources that are very complementary to Spentra’s Money Earned® solution. Peter posts lots of financial advice on his Twitter account, as well as humor from time to time.

2. Amanda Clayman (@mandaclay)
A self-proclaimed “OG financial therapist perpetually adjusting from NY to LA,” Amanda Clayman is a financial coach and consultant whose tweets are very timely and relevant to modern changes happening in our society today. She likes to share content from other sources as well, so she is a good follow for financial wellness advice.

3. SmartDollar (@MySmartDollar)
Another solution that is complementary to Spentra, SmartDollar is a financial wellness benefit that teaches employees how to budget and save their money. Their account posts information about financial myths, the latest financial trends, and other information you need to know.

4. #FinancialWellness
OK, it’s not exactly an account, but this hashtag is one you should bookmark, as it will show you lots of tweets from lots of different sources. These should mostly be related to financial wellness and are a great way to discover topics and people.

5. Suze Orman (@SuzeOrmanShow)
One of the most popular financial experts, with 1.4 million followers, Suze Orman is “America’s Most Trusted Personal Finance Expert.” She made a name for herself with her speaking and books and her feed frequently provides good tips and advice to follow if you want to personally improve your financial situation.

6. Forbes (@Forbes)
If you have an entrepreneurial or investing mindset, Forbes is the go-to account for you. “The world’s leading voice for entrepreneurial success and free enterprise,” Forbes mainly posts their own articles, but there are lots of them and many are extremely valuable for both businesses and their employees.

7. Spentra (@getspentra)
Hey, we couldn’t leave ourselves out, could we? We make a point to regularly post our latest blogs on Twitter and these can be tremendously helpful for both employees and employers looking to improve their financial wellness. Stay tuned to our account for tips, advice, news, and updates about pay access and the financial industry.If you’re interested in getting a pay access solution at your company, contact Spentra today

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